
I invite intelligent, thoughtful debate. I believe in hearing the whole story. The only way to understand each other is to listen first and respond second. I will not tolerate uncivil behavior in any form. Don't dismiss an opinion simply because you do not share it. Read, research and learn the truth for yourself instead of simply adopting a party line.
There was a time when Congress used the words, "The Distinguished Gentleman" and really meant it. Let's try to live by that ideal.
Since I'm also a lover of music and a musician, I will add musical content as a way to add some sonic color to the page as well. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Way I See It.

The way I see it:

If the wacko responsible for the carnage at Ft. Hood used his religion in any way to justify his actions, then he's a terrorist who should be put to death without delay. If he didn't, he's a very sick, very disturbed individual who should be put to death without delay. Every other major news outlet besides Fox appears to be ignoring his ties to and/or sympathies with islamo-fascists. If this guy was Christian and he mentioned his belief that God wanted him to purify the unrighteous, the other news outlets would be leading with that fact and that fact alone. Jeanine Garafolo, Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman would be advocating the abolition of Christianity along with the immediate incarceration of all it's practitioners.

The way I see it:

President Obama, we elected you a year ago now. Quit your bitching about how bad things were when you moved in and start doing something. If I had moved into a house that was falling down around me, I don't think my friends would have much sympathy for me if I was still whining about it a year later. When does your presidency become yours? When does Afghanistan become yours? The economy? The debt? Eventually, even MSNBC is going to start calling you a cry baby if you don't ruck up and take some responsibility. It may take a couple of years but it will happen. I think.

The way I see it:

Those of you who have a problem with capitalism need to find another country to inhabit. I'm tired of hearing from elitists like Michael Moore on down to the average radical complain how capitalism is an exclusive club and only the super rich ever benefit from it. That's bullshit plain and simple. Capitalism is the foundation for a meritocracy, something our founding fathers believed in quite strongly. A simple idea that if you work hard and stretch beyond what you think you're capable of, you will succeed. You may not become Warren Buffet or even Michael Moore but you will reap the rewards of your labor. Greed and evil exists in business but that's not to say that it doesn't exist in every human endeavor. Most Liberals believe that big business should be shut down because a few greedy assholes are out there but see nothing wrong with greedy assholes like Charlie Rangel, corrupt Congressman from NY, under-reporting his net worth to the tune of almost a million dollars. Or Timothy "Turbo-Tax" Geithner for that matter.

The way I see it:

The government should not give one thin dime to any newspaper, TV broadcasting company or any media communications entity that can't manage to stay in business. That's not a free press no matter what you might believe. That money will have strings both visible and invisible that will crush the first amendment. If the NY Times can't manage to make a profit, then they go out of business. Period. The free market is the great equalizer even in the hallowed, albeit biased, halls of "journalism". If the NY Times had a product that was so compelling, so necessary, they would, by default, be making money. It's ok for the Internet to demolish the idea of books and libraries but let's save the NY Times? Nope, not one thin dime. Bye-bye Newspaper Of Record.

The way I see it:

Any politician that votes consistently against the mandate of the people who elected him or her, should be removed sooner than the customary 2, 4 or 6 years. There should be a quicker mechanism for the people to remove those politicians who forget why they're in DC in the first place. A representative republic is only as good as it's representatives and if they're not willing to take action against a fellow member then it should be left to the people. Radical, I know but I think it might send a message to all our politicians that if you don't do what we elected you to do, you will no longer have power over the people. Coupled with stricter rules on who gets a congressional pension, it would also serve to keep them at least working on our behalf. A one term Congressman or Senator doesn't deserve a pension that we pay for until they die. I'd have to spend 20-30 years working for my current employer to earn a pension but any jackleg who can manage to be elected once, do a terrible job and then be voted out STILL walks away with a paycheck for the rest of his or her life.
WRONG! I think it should take at least 5 consecutive terms for congressman and at least 3 for Senators to earn any sort of continuing compensation. That shows at least a minimum commitment to serve the people's will. They're called public servants, not public sponges.

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Losing my mind on some Jimi Hendrix

Stevie Ray Vaughn, "Riviera Paradise"
