Well, here we are again at the end of yet another momentous week. A week of cheering throngs in Washington D.C., undercover, hidden camera scandals, heated rhetoric about race and a shattering of decades old promises and alliances.
"Are you now or have you ever been?"
Not since the civil rights movement has our country been so captivated by the issue of race relations. Looking only at the headlines, outside observers might think we were living 1968 all over again.
In a moment of passion and arguably a serious breach of good taste and etiquette, Rep. Joe Wilson shouted, "YOU LIE" during the Presidents speech to both houses last week, touching off a firestorm of protests from the left and hardy slaps on the back from the right. Wilson called the White House, apologized to the President who accepted it graciously and that was to be the end.
Say what you will about Wilson's insult to house protocol, it exposed both sides for what they truly are--partisan hacks stuck on a merry-go-round of hatred for the other side. For the last week now almost every voice of consequence on the left from Maureen Dowd to Hank Johnson to his royal goofiness-- Jimmy Carter, have seen the dark specter of racism in Wilson's outburst on the chamber floor.
Rep. Hank Johnson (D) GA claimed, with a straight face surprisingly enough, that to let Wilson go unpunished for his lapse of good manners, would somehow lead to the KKK roaming the countryside once again in full regalia.
Really Hank? The KKK will somehow magically reconstitute itself into numbers large enough to threaten the entire country?
Maureen Dowd, columnist for the NY Times and noted Hillary fan, said there was a word missing from Wilson's shout. She claims it should have been, "You Lie ...BOY!" Adding that even though the racial epithet wasn't there...it was implied. You could almost feel it. Maureen Dowd is now going to read your tea leaves and predict the future. Well, she can already read minds...through a TV screen. Predicting the future is the next logical step isn't it?
Look out Dionne Warwick, Maureen's psychic friends can beat up your psychic friends!
Jimmy Carter also weighed into the fray adding a certain presidential air to the whole debate.
Not really. I was just kidding. Jimmy Carter is the reason former presidents should retire from the spotlight and keep their mouths shut. Hearing an anti-Semite lecture me on matters of race is beyond the pale. Carter is living proof of the old adage, "Better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
Jimmy Carter has disgraced the office on so many occasions it's laughable these days to see him pop his head up and again start uttering nonsense. Night night Jimmy, we'll wake you if we want some kind words about Castro or some unkind words about Jews.
I'll sum it up this way, blacks have become human shields for the left in this country and they willingly join in as often as they can. No black politician ever need feel embarrassed about personal failings or bad policy decisions again. We'll just shout racism at the top of our lungs and the opposition will spend it's time defending their own character instead of looking any closer.
Shouting racism these days is akin to shouting communist in the McCarthy era. It doesn't require any proof on the part of the accuser and instantly brands the accused despite that lack of proof.
"Times change...so do Allies."
Elsewhere in the world of news, President Obama nixed the missile defense shield for eastern Europe on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland.
Wow, the lack of knowledge of history is breathtaking here. In one fell swoop, he turned decades of good will with our Eastern European allies into a new joke for radio talk hosts and late night comedians. Was there no one in the White House who thought maybe choosing this day to kill the shield was a bad idea? Poland actually refused to take Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton's phone call, they were so outraged.
This galactically stupid decision leaves Poland and several other countries vulnerable once again to aggression from neighbors and spits on promises made and kept for many years. Since taking office, Obama shook hands with Hugo Chavez, Daniel Noriega and coddled the likes of Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad while simultaneously insulting almost every other traditional ally we have like the Brits, the Canadians the French, and most recently, Eastern Europe.
If president Obama believes, as his actions have dictated, that the US is a member of the "Axis Of Evil", he's certainly putting us in good company.
On a totally unrelated note, Russia's Vladimir Putin announced a meeting with Jeffrey Imelt of GE to discuss how they might be able to do business together.
Totally unrelated my ass. Jeffrey Imelt sits on Obama's economic advisory team. GE also owns NBC and MSNBC, both networks famous for praising the president at every turn. It's possible that the US just sold out our good friends for the sake of political payback to GE, thereby risking millions of lives in the quest of the almighty dollar. I'm wondering where all the anti-big business liberals are right now decrying the evils of a president who kow tows to business as they did when Bush was president. I suspect they'll keep their little hypocritical mouths shut for now.
"Falling far from the tree."
In a stunning turn of events, the media and almost every liberal in congress, was forced to watch as two 20 somethings brought down the might but mighty corrupt ACORN. With only a hidden camera and about $1500.00 in operating capital, these two went to multiple ACORN offices from Baltimore to San Diego exposing the organization as a corrupt, morally reprehensible group of flesh peddlers. The media tried to ignore it, Charlie Gibson actually claimed he'd not heard a word about it. Probably because the NY Times hadn't written about it yet.
Every day brought a new hidden camera video until eventually the House and the Senate could no longer ignore it either. Funding began to be pulled at light speed as both parties tried to distance themselves from ACORN. We've yet to hear from the President as to how he personally feels about his beloved grass roots darlings being exposed as frauds and tax cheats. Remember, he said he was going to bring ACORN in to help "shape the policy in his administration."
Really? That sounds about as stupid as killing a defense shield on the anniversary of Soviet aggression...
Wait......he actually did that too. Too late. You can't make that kind of stupidity up, it occurs naturally.
"Hell No, we won't go...we have to work!"
According to who you ask, there were between 50,000 and 2.2 million people on the mall in Washington last Saturday. Kind of a wide swing in opinion on a head count. Glenn Beck, titular head of the 9-12 Project claims it was closer to one million while Fox news and the Parks service put the number somewhere between 50,000 and 75,000. Either way, it was an impressive demonstration to be sure. Primarily owing to the fact that it's tough to get that many conservatives to march about anything.
The old media found as many nutjobs with signs as they could and crowed about how angry and racist the crowd was. One line overheard from the media was, "I haven't seen that many racists in one spot since George Wallace was around." That's a pretty bold if ignorant statement. To say that every person there was a racist was just a way to minimize the passion they felt. There were racists there, to be sure, but race was not the single governing factor in why those people marched.
It was a culmination of the tea partiers march across America and the 9-12 Project's march on Washington. Along the way, both groups were co-opted by the angry right we hear so much about from the liberal media. Most wanted a peaceful demonstration of their dissatisfaction with the government in general and the President in particular. His domestic policy has been a shambles of ill spent stimulus money, his foreign policy is a nightmare of appeasement to our enemies and his Health Care reform efforts have frightened the daylights out of seniors and just about everyone else on the right.
I'll make no judgment on what every member of the crowd was thinking or feeling last weekend. I'm not Maureen Dowd or Hank Johnson. I don't see racists everywhere like they do. I can't read minds like they can. There were some stupid and offensive signs carried by people with less than a stunning intellect I'll grant you but not all were like that.
Sorry Jimmy, I just don't buy it. Maybe your generation would have had a problem with a black man as president...not mine. Despite the fact that I disagreed with Obama on almost everything, well...except Kanye West being a jackass, I felt a measure of pride that the country I loved so much had finally risen above it's hateful past to propel a person of color to the White House. There was a small feeling of satisfaction mixed with feelings of loss. America is ready for a black president, I just don't think Liberals are ready to hear that black president be called out on matters of truth, policy differences or his radical friends without screaming racism with every other breath.
After all...they keep reminding me that he's black. I figured that out all by myself. Let it go now and let's look at the content of his character...like MLK said we should.
I invite intelligent, thoughtful debate. I believe in hearing the whole story. The only way to understand each other is to listen first and respond second. I will not tolerate uncivil behavior in any form. Don't dismiss an opinion simply because you do not share it. Read, research and learn the truth for yourself instead of simply adopting a party line.
There was a time when Congress used the words, "The Distinguished Gentleman" and really meant it. Let's try to live by that ideal.
Since I'm also a lover of music and a musician, I will add musical content as a way to add some sonic color to the page as well. Enjoy!
There was a time when Congress used the words, "The Distinguished Gentleman" and really meant it. Let's try to live by that ideal.
Since I'm also a lover of music and a musician, I will add musical content as a way to add some sonic color to the page as well. Enjoy!
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