
I invite intelligent, thoughtful debate. I believe in hearing the whole story. The only way to understand each other is to listen first and respond second. I will not tolerate uncivil behavior in any form. Don't dismiss an opinion simply because you do not share it. Read, research and learn the truth for yourself instead of simply adopting a party line.
There was a time when Congress used the words, "The Distinguished Gentleman" and really meant it. Let's try to live by that ideal.
Since I'm also a lover of music and a musician, I will add musical content as a way to add some sonic color to the page as well. Enjoy!

Monday, August 3, 2009

An inconvenient speech...

"My commitment is to make sure that we have universal health care for every American by the end of my first term as President...but I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There's going to be potentially some transition process. I can envision a decade out or 15 years out or 20 years out..."

This was taken from a 2007 speech. Obama made those remarks during an SEIU health care forum when he was making his bid for President. He spells out quite clearly that it may take a decade or more to be implemented but that is his ultimate goal. A single payer, socialized system akin to Canada, Great Britain and France. For you naysayers and disbelievers, I will provide a link at the bottom of this post to dispel any disbelief you may have.

I have believed from the outset of the debate on health care reform that something just didn't smell right about the way it was reported on, the speed with which is was being implemented and the lack of clear definition of what was being proposed. Something just didn't sit right with me and it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Perhaps I had seen the video during the campaign and it played on my subconscious or perhaps my natural skepticism made the little hairs on the back of my neck go up. Either way, the truth is undeniable and irrefutable. The "public option" as it is adoringly referred to in the press is actually the first step towards single payer, socialized medicine after all. I made mention of Sen. Barney Frank's comments on reaching single payer through a public option in a previous post and knew the truth then. Seeing these videos has now brought it all into sharp focus at last.

Breaking campaign promises is nothing new really. You grow immune to it after so many years of watching the political machine go through it's gyrations. One expects to be lied to during a national political campaign. It's so common place these days that we rarely ever notice anymore. Not only have we learned to accept it, we've come to expect it quite frankly, so jaded have we become on matters of politics of late. In fact, when a politician says they will do something and then actually does it, we are suspicious of them instantly. How dare you let us down by keeping your word!

I fear that is not the case with Obama-care though. I fear that he is actually putting lipstick on a pig and asking me to kiss it... deeply. "Beware of Trojans bearing gifts." comes to mind in this instance. Those of you skeptical of the end goal need not be skeptical anymore. It's laid out in black and white and with little chance of being mistaken as to the truth of a public option. It's only goal is to stamp out private health insurance as it's primary focus and to leave us all with no option at all really. Government run, funded (with our tax dollars) and administered and with no where else to turn when the system breaks down, and it will.

This change from free market to public option will stifle competition, put thousands more Americans out of work and spell the final doom for an economy already teetering on the precipice of total disaster. Out of control deficit spending, pie in the sky promises of free money from the government and now this. What's next...an Ipod in every home filled with Obama's speeches? Meant to comfort us when we lose our jobs?

Act, react and make your voices heard. Say no to socialism of any kind. This country was founded on freedom and the pursuit of liberty not on promises of "spreading the wealth around".

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Video: Obama Explains How His Health Care Plan Will ‘Eliminate’ Private Insurance

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Stevie Ray Vaughn, "Riviera Paradise"
