
I invite intelligent, thoughtful debate. I believe in hearing the whole story. The only way to understand each other is to listen first and respond second. I will not tolerate uncivil behavior in any form. Don't dismiss an opinion simply because you do not share it. Read, research and learn the truth for yourself instead of simply adopting a party line.
There was a time when Congress used the words, "The Distinguished Gentleman" and really meant it. Let's try to live by that ideal.
Since I'm also a lover of music and a musician, I will add musical content as a way to add some sonic color to the page as well. Enjoy!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Week In Review

My, oh my where do we begin? Let's start by saying that this is not like any other weekly review I've written up to this point. While I will try to hide my obvious jubilation over the election results, I will also attempt to relay some astounding facts that both surround and hide inside the aforementioned results. Those of you with a conservative lean are at a minimum pleased with the election I suspect but for me this was more than an election. This was a realignment of both the Republican and Democrat parties. This was the loudest shout the American people have uttered in more than a hundred years. It was a reaffirmation of the power of both the people and their most sacred duty...their vote. This election represents, in a much broader sense, the true might and majesty of what our country stands for. The peaceful exercise of the modern transfer of power.

Forgive me if I wax rhapsodic about the greatness of this country. No other country allows it's people such freedom, such an absolute role in it's future, it's persona and it's character. In a scant 160 years, we went from a country at war with itself for the determination of slavery, to electing a black man President. That alone, speaks volumes about the role this country plays in the world as a model for the real gift of Democracy. It is the individual, or a collection of them, that shape the face this nation shows the world.

Having said that, it is obvious that while the country may have the sense of enlightenment needed to elect a black man President, it is not above telling that same man that his choice of a course for the nation is wrong and must be altered. Despite the mainstream media belief that any criticism of a black man is veiled racism, it is impossible to believe that the results of our last election are only about race. They must be about the ideology of the party in power and the direction we must go moving forward. If the independents or moderates that essentially flung Obama into the White House to begin with abandoned him two years later, one can only surmise that they were, in actual point of fact, unhappy with who they thought he was. He ran as a centrist to attract that sacred middle that all politicians seek to woo during an election season but wound up taking a radical left turn after his inauguration. Two years of health care reform, bailouts, stimulus, rising unemployment and the incessant meddling in the business of America which is business after all, finally boiled over, leaving the Democrat party burned and disfigured beyond it's ability to comprehend.

With the help of the Tea Party, that sacred middle sent what amounted to a cacophony of disdain and displeasure throughout the entire Liberal establishment. Now, that's not what you'll hear from almost everyone on the left. There are so many records tucked inside this election and I suspect that if you don't watch Fox news, you'd never have heard about them. I will try to list just a few firsts or at least the record moments in this election:

Tim Scott won his race in South Carolina on the GOP ticket. What is the amazing fact here? Tim Scott is black and the fist black GOP member from South Carolina since reconstruction. Yes, you read that correctly.

Col. Allen West, whose YouTube videos of his inspirational speeches went viral, won his race in Florida. West is also black and the first black GOP member in Florida since the 1870's.

The state House in Alabama flipped to Republican control for the first time since 1865.

There were a total of 688 State level congressional seats won by Republicans out of a possible 1,000 up for election. That's fully 2/3 of ALL available seats.

The US House changed hands in a stunning upset to the tune of 66 seats. For perspective, the Republican Revolution of 1994 was a gain of only 54 seats, enough to wrest control of the House at the time. If that was a "revolution" what was this? A bloodless coup? A tsunami?

No Democrat running for a state level congressional seat, either House or Senate had been elected who wasn't an incumbent. Let that little tidbit sink in for a moment. Only those who were already entrenched could retain their seats. No New Democrats got elected. Just breathe slowly and savor the delicious aroma of the meaning of the word "mandate".

Now, did you hear those facts from any of the mainstream media outlets? Did Chris Mathews weep with joy at the election of a black man in Florida? Do you think he felt a thrill go up his leg? Do you think Keith Olbermann will pick one of the two previous Republicans I just mentioned as a role model for black Americans or will he name them his Worst Person?

Another truly astounding fact of this election is the newly developed ability of conservatives to mobilize and organize. Those two actions were relegated solely to the left for so many years that conservatives looked silly and weak in comparison. This election showed how strong the right can be when it is properly motivated. The assault on freedom represented by the gargantuan Health Care law and it's impending death knell for individual choice in decisions based on our lives seemed to be the proper motivation. The rise and subsequent denigration of the Tea Party by every sector of leftist ideology proved to be the final nail in the coffin for the left. Despite being called stupid, violent, extreme, racist and the ever popular "Tea Baggers", a thinly veiled insult and a graphic sexual term, the Tea Party managed what no other movement in the past had been able to do. It woke up a sleeping giant by metaphorically holding up the Constitution in one hand and the Health Care Law in the other. It asked the American people which document was more important? Which was really indicative of what the country stood for? Do we stand for freedom from oppressive Government or do we sit quietly while that same Government attempts to behead the dreams of our founding fathers? The answer seems clear to most people, unless you have a journalism degree from Columbia. Those people seem to think that stupidity and anger ruled the day.

Let's compare two recent elections and then ask a very important question. In 2008, the American people spoke loudly and Barack Obama was propelled to immortality. The left declared this a moment worthy of remembrance and praise for a country that still smacked sorely of racial divisions hundreds of years old. They declared it a mandate for a more moderate America that would heal itself and the world all at once. Obama won that election by a 52% - 47% margin over John McCain. While that does mean that he won a technical majority of the American People, it was hardly earth shattering in that he only won by 7 percentage points. Hardly what one could reasonably call a mandate by any any definition of the word. The only true historic part of that election was that a black man won. While that is an admirable goal, especially from a country with such an ugly past in matters of race, that remains the sole moment of regard worth noting.

In 2010, the number of Republican gains is staggering by comparison. The margin of victory in the US House is the largest since 1938. A 66 seat pickup is the stuff of political dreams in the modern era. It is, quite frankly, a political analyst's wet dream. When you couple that with gains in the US Senate, gubernatorial gains and the enormous gains in the State Houses across the country,what one word comes close to describing it?

Mandate. A conservative mandate of such Herculean proportions that surely even the President would be humbled by it's size.

If you were talking about any other President, I would agree but not our current President. He still seems convinced that he either didn't get his message out clearly enough or he was just so smart that none of us mere mortals could comprehend his brilliance. His "conciliatory" speech the day after the election smacked of self delusion and a verbal doubling down of more of the same policies that had just been rejected. He didn't see it as a rejection at all. He still seems to think he just needs to better explain why his Statist policies are such a good thing for the country. He doesn't understand that wasting nearly two tears trying to "reform" the best health care system in the world while the economy sank deeper and deeper into recession might give most of the country the impression that all he cared about was his agenda, not the millions of unemployed and the millions more being systematically hurt by the downward spiral. Had he expended half the energy in rescuing the economy that he spent destroying one-sixth of it, this election would have had much different consequences.

In a nutshell, his Keynesian economic beliefs and his burgeoning "ideologue" persona, his entrenched, unshakable belief that he knows best, eventually dragged him and the entire Democrat party into an abyss of mediocrity. It exposed the modern Democrat party as a big government party that holds faith in the State above faith in the people. It places it's ideals for humanity above the desires of it's people.

That, of course, is my opinion but I suspect that it's shared by at least 66 Republicans. Regardless of what you may have heard, there are jobs being created...for Republicans all across the country.

This post will end on that note but I still want to dissect the election from the media's reaction. There is so much information to be disseminated in this election that I find it a necessity to tackle the issues separately. This is both for you the reader, I don't wish to bore you but also for myself. I do have a tendency to ramble. You must believe me when I say that for all the information contained in this post about the election from the standpoint of results and reasons for it's outcome, what lies ahead in the media's perception of it is equally as astounding.

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