
I invite intelligent, thoughtful debate. I believe in hearing the whole story. The only way to understand each other is to listen first and respond second. I will not tolerate uncivil behavior in any form. Don't dismiss an opinion simply because you do not share it. Read, research and learn the truth for yourself instead of simply adopting a party line.
There was a time when Congress used the words, "The Distinguished Gentleman" and really meant it. Let's try to live by that ideal.
Since I'm also a lover of music and a musician, I will add musical content as a way to add some sonic color to the page as well. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Who is Sarah Palin and why is she scaring the daylights out of the Liberals?

Another news item that had nothing to do with Michael Jackson played itself out before our eyes last week. It was the buzz about Sarah Palin's resignation as Governor of Alaska.

At first, speculation swirled about the reasons behind this odd move. Was it the final toll of too many frivolous ethics probes, leaving her in debt upwards of half a million dollars? Was it the numerous attacks on her family and children?

The press was deliciously astute in saying how tragic a move this was for her. Of course she's dead politically now, she let the naysayers drive her out and that smacks of weakness in the face of adversity. A sure sign that she's not ready for the big time in the beltway. She's too simple and too scared to take the heat. Either that or she's got a book deal brewing the likes of which would bury the NY Times Bestseller list for months on end...if it were true that is.

Seems it's not entirely true after all. The latest whispers say that she's actually making moves to boldly start a fourth party. Co-opting both the conservative Republicans who can still spell Reagan's name and the disenfranchised and probably somewhat disgusted Libertarians who are tired of backing a loser. Not to mention the blue dog democrats that inevitably spring up when a strong conservative rises to prominence.

And oddly enough, Sarah can thank the establishment media for all that exposure. You see, they were obssessed with her every move since she lost the election. They've devoted hours and hours of coverage to a woman most claim to despise and all certainly feel they're smarter than. She's a political Madonna...she's like a virgin to the press. They adore her...insomuch as they can look down their provincial noses at her and sneer at her "folksiness". She's like a bad Reagan in cheap shoes. It's at this point I see Paul Krugman dressed as Hannibal Lecter leering at Sarah and saying, "You're a rube. You're one step away from poor white trash."

Why...she doesn't even have a degree as good as Paul's. How can she possibly be anything more...than what Paul Krugman or Katie Couric think of her? Maureen Dowd calls her "Caribou Barbie" for pity's sake. Where's the N.O.W. gang when a woman could really use them? I suppose if Sarah were decrying the Republican party and spilling her guts about how she was just a pawn of those evil, greedy white men, N.O.W. would snap to the rescue and bring the ACLU along just for the whole solidarity factor.

I think what might be happening is very similar to another time and place and I think lots of liberals remember it well. That would explain their almost irrational hatred for all things "Sarah". It was in the late 60's and early 70's that the Democrat party began to change. No longer were they the party of tax cuts and free enterprise, they were the party of the social program. Ronald Reagan saw this change and knew if it continued, the true party ideals would be lost forever. Turns out, old Ron was right.
"I didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left me." was his eloquent answer as to his shift in political alliances.

I think maybe...just maybe...Sarah Palin is feeling the same thing. She's seen the seedy underbelly of American Politics outside the frozen tundra of Wassilla and I think she's disgusted and more than a bit sad to learn the whole truth about the ruling elite on both sides of the aisle. They're all in it up to their eyeballs and not a one left has a shred of courage to stand up and say...

STOP! We work for THEM and not for ourselves!

Personally, I like Sarah Palin's approach. Mainly because it's not an approach...it's just who she is. She is folksy and plain spoken. To a fault it would seem for the press. After hearing the nuanced stylings of the anointed one, Sarah must sound like nails on a chalkboard to the press. His dulcet tones and sly smile lend themselves well to TV after all and he is charismatic, you have to give him that. I'll bet he's more than a little perturbed that he's had to hear more about Sarah Palin than himself during last week. In the coming weeks I suspect as well. If she does indeed try to form an independent conservative party, then she has her work cut out for her. After the debacle of having John McCain as our nominee last election cycle, it would take a miracle to cobble our broken party back together again.

If it works, she's going to be rewarded in ways she can only dream of. If it fails, she going to be the goat that lost us the election in 2012. Sorry Sarah, but that's the truth. Do I think she's ready to be president? Not really, but I still don't think Obama is qualified for it either and there he is anyway.

I wish her luck if that's what she's going to attempt. It's a bold move to be sure but back in 1980 another bold move brought Ronald Reagan to prominence. I'm not quite sure that Sarah can really use the tag line that Reagan did, "It's morning in America" but I'm certain we can think of something that will stick.

(fade in)
Sarah Palin stands in a child's bedroom with her baby in her arms. We see a sleeping figure curled in blankets lying motionless. Sarah Leans over, pulls the blanket back to reveal the sleep tousled hair of a teenage boy. She leans over with a sweet motherly smile and says softly,

"C'mon, it's time to get up. We have work to do."


  1. I think you just put all my nebulous thoughts about Sarah Palin into a tangible black and white format. No matter what anyone says, she is an interesting player in the political scene today, such as it is. What she decides to do next should be something to watch, and I think her next plays must be timed carefully. IF she does make a play for the Presidency and IF Obama's credibility and media support continue to dwindle, the timing of her announcement would make or break her. Also, the media climate at the time would either help focus attention on her or hurtle her out into the abyss. Things could go one of two ways in my humble opinion. One possibility is that it would distract the media hounds from the Obama administration's mechinations, focusing on discrediting her while Obama and his brood push through their agenda in various areas without any serious hurdles. OR, if she times it to when enough people are becoming disillusioned and disgruntled with the Obama regime and their broken promises and tactics to take away their freedoms while making "everyone equal" (the poor less poor and the rich less rich no matter how hard any of them work), she might pick up a following that has finally "seen the light." This will be a true test to her ability to learn quickly, be versatile and well-versed, and sink in for the kill at the right time. If she doesn't do that, she will most assuredly fail.

  2. My only real worry about Palin is that her political instincts aren't honed nearly as sharp as they need to be to go head to head with such monolithic control of the media. I think the argument of whether or not a candidate is "ready to be President" can be forever cast aside now. I think the real test is can any candidate can withstand the media onslaught.

  3. I agree with you on BOTH points you made, Deke. The only hope I have is that since Mrs. Palin DOES show to be a quick study, that just maybe she is watching and learning as we type. Neither she or any other political candidate will ever be able to control the media, but if she can figure out a way to get them to her side she would be ahead of the game. Probably won't happen though...

  4. I would agree with you on any other day but lately I'm seeing in the news the level of public opinion being voiced in town hall meetings and in emails and phone calls to Congress.
    I think she may actually be able to focus this tide of dissatisfaction into a coherent grass roots phenomenon. I do wish her the best of luck. I do like her a great deal. She is comfortingly reminiscent of Reagan in the early days as to her ability to connect in simpler, less "nuanced" ways. I'm still not sure if I would vote for her in a primary yet though. I'd like to see more substantive positions from her on gun control, immigration, fiscal policy etc. Knowing those things would make me less skittish. I've watched my party dissolve around me and I'm not willing to go too far out on that limb.


Let's keep it civil. No foul language, no name calling and NO CONSPIRACY NUTS!

Losing my mind on some Jimi Hendrix

Stevie Ray Vaughn, "Riviera Paradise"
